Interesting tidbit: when I
ordered Sy Montgomery’s Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced
Autism and Changed the World, and the order came in, my assistant director
asked me if this is what I had really wanted. She thought the title looked too
old for my audience (I’m the children’s librarian, so I cover 0-12). I told her
that yes, this book was on the high end of my clientele, but it most certainly
was the book I had intended to get. I believe Temple to be an exemplary role
model, and someone I wanted my kids to get to know, and I trusted Montgomery to
be the one to introduce her.
Of course, in reading Temple
Grandin, it is Temple herself that the readers first meet. Ms. Grandin has
written a wonderful forward to this volume about her life, in which she gives
practical advice for all children, not just those on the Spectrum, but those
who consider themselves nerds or outcasts, or anyone who has ever felt a drive
towards doing something special. To wit: everyone. This was the beginning of my
falling in love with this book, and with Temple herself. As Montgomery relates
Temple’s early life and struggles, I struggled along with her. Montgomery is so
deft and delicate with describing Temple’s symptoms, I could almost understand what
it must have felt like inside adolescent Temple’s head. However, it isn’t until
later, when an adult Temple begins her crusade for the humane treatment of all
animals, and Montgomery gives direct quotes from Temple about how she relates
to what the animals, especially the cows, are thinking, that it really clicked.
I could feel the terror and uncertainty, but also the relieved peace that
Temple’s inventions bring about.
I had a very visceral reaction
to reading this biography, and I’ve heard similar responses from patrons as
well. My library does not carry any of Temple’s own books (something I’d like
to rectify if I can), so Ms. Montgomery’s biography is the only link we have to
this amazing person and her extraordinary story. I know the book may be tough
reading for some of the kids in my room, but that won’t stop me from pushing it
into any eager hands I can find, or from dragging teenagers downstairs, away
from their own collection, and getting them to read it as well (my hook: Claire
Danes played Temple in an HBO movie. Read the book, watch the movie!). I’ve
always been an animal lover, but I still feel like getting to know Temple
Grandin has changed the way I look at the world. My hats off to Temple and
especially to Sy Montgomery: an excellent book about a thoroughly excellent
Temple Grandin: How the Girl
Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World, by
Sy Montgomery, forward by Temple Grandin
2012, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Library copy
2012, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Library copy